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Borishotch Industries

Dungeons & Dragons Anti Fairy Miniature

Dungeons & Dragons Anti Fairy Miniature

Regular price £3.00 GBP
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This is a Highly detailed miniature of an Anti Fairy for Dungeons & Dragons.  

This model was created by Schlossbauer who makes amazingly accurate models of the Monster Manual creatures and provided by Commercial Licence.

In Dungeons & Dragons, an "Anti-Fairy" is not a standard creature or character type found in the official rulebooks or lore up to my last update in January 2022. However, I can speculate on how one might be conceptualized within the game.

An Anti-Fairy could be a fantastical entity born from the inverse energies of the Feywild, embodying the antithesis of traditional fairies. These beings might arise from corrupted or twisted magical forces, serving as malevolent counterparts to the whimsical and benevolent fairies commonly depicted in folklore.

In terms of stats and abilities, an Anti-Fairy could possess traits opposite to those of typical fairies. Instead of granting boons and blessings, they might inflict curses and misfortune upon those they encounter. Their magical abilities could focus on manipulation and deception, using illusions and enchantments to sow chaos and confusion.

In combat, Anti-Fairies might excel at hit-and-run tactics, employing their agility and innate magic to harass opponents before vanishing into the ether. Their diminutive size and flight capabilities could make them challenging adversaries to pin down in battle.

Given their connection to the Feywild, Anti-Fairies could have vulnerabilities or weaknesses tied to elements traditionally associated with fairy lore, such as iron or certain types of magic. Conversely, they might be immune or resistant to effects that would typically affect creatures of a more mundane nature.

In terms of alignment, Anti-Fairies would likely lean towards chaotic and evil tendencies, reveling in the chaos and suffering they sow among mortals and other denizens of the realms.

Ultimately, the concept of an Anti-Fairy in Dungeons & Dragons offers a fascinating twist on traditional fairy mythology, introducing a dark and enigmatic counterpart to the whimsical creatures commonly associated with the Feywild. Dungeon Masters and players alike could explore the potential for intriguing storylines and encounters featuring these malevolent fey entities.
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