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Borishotch Industries

Dungeons & Dragons Needle Blight Miniature

Dungeons & Dragons Needle Blight Miniature

Regular price £3.00 GBP
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This is a Highly detailed miniature of a Needle Blight for Dungeons & Dragons. 

This model was created by Schlossbauer who makes amazingly accurate models of the Monster Manual creatures and provided by Commercial Licence.

In the vast and intricate tapestry of Dungeons and Dragons, Needle Blights are a sinister manifestation of nature's wrath, a dark echo of the vibrant forests they haunt. These malevolent creatures, often mistaken for ordinary foliage at first glance, are animated constructs of twisted thorns and gnarled branches. They exist as guardians of corrupted groves, embodying the wrath and decay of nature gone awry.

Physically, Needle Blights resemble humanoid forms, albeit grotesquely distorted by nature's malign influence. Their bodies are composed of tangled vines and sharp thorns, their limbs elongated and sinewy, enabling swift and silent movement through the underbrush. Their eyes, if one can call them such, gleam with an eerie green light, betraying their unnatural origins.

In combat, Needle Blights are relentless foes, driven by an instinctual desire to snuff out any semblance of life within their territory. They attack with a savage ferocity, slashing and rending with razor-sharp claws and hurling volleys of needle-like projectiles with deadly accuracy. Their very touch saps the vitality from their victims, leaving them weakened and vulnerable to further assault.

But perhaps most unsettling is the eerie connection Needle Blights share with the corrupted land they inhabit. They draw sustenance from the blighted soil itself, regenerating wounds with unnatural speed when in proximity to their tainted domain. This symbiotic relationship renders them nigh unstoppable within their chosen hunting grounds, where even the hardiest of adventurers must tread cautiously.

To face a Needle Blight is to confront nature's darkest aspects, a testament to the boundless depths of its power and the perilous journey that awaits those who dare to venture into the wilds unprepared. Only through courage, cunning, and perhaps a touch of luck can one hope to emerge victorious against these embodiments of nature's wrath.

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