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Borishotch Industries

Dungeons & Dragons Thorny Spider Miniature

Dungeons & Dragons Thorny Spider Miniature

Regular price £1.00 GBP
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This is a Highly detailed miniature of a Thorny Spider for Dungeons & Dragons. 

This model was created by Schlossbauer who makes amazingly accurate models of the Monster Manual creatures and provided by Commercial Licence.

In the vast world of Dungeons & Dragons, thorny spiders emerge as eerie and formidable creatures, weaving their presence into the darkest corners of the imagination. These monstrous arachnids, often encountered in the depths of sinister forests or shadowy caverns, strike fear into the hearts of adventurers with their sinister appearance and deadly abilities.

Thorny spiders are characterized by their massive size, typically spanning several feet in diameter, with long, spindly legs that end in sharp, barbed points. Their bodies are adorned with bristling spines and thorns, resembling a grotesque fusion of spider and thorn bush. These natural defenses make them particularly resilient to melee attacks, as any who dare to engage them in close combat risk being impaled by their razor-sharp protrusions.

In addition to their physical prowess, thorny spiders possess potent venom that they inject into their prey through their fangs. This venom induces excruciating pain and paralysis, rendering victims helpless as the arachnid closes in for the kill. Even the most seasoned adventurers must exercise caution when confronting these creatures, for a single bite can spell doom.

However, the true terror of thorny spiders lies in their ability to ensnare prey with their webs. Unlike ordinary spider silk, the webs of thorny spiders are laced with thorns and serrated edges, creating a tangled trap from which few can escape unscathed. Once ensnared, victims are at the mercy of the spider, destined to become yet another meal in its grisly feast.

In the twisted ecology of Dungeons & Dragons, thorny spiders occupy a niche as apex predators, preying on creatures both large and small. Their presence serves as a constant reminder of the dangers lurking in the shadows, compelling adventurers to tread carefully lest they fall victim to the horrors of the unknown.

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