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Borishotch Industries

Dungeons & Dragons Vulture Miniature

Dungeons & Dragons Vulture Miniature

Regular price £3.00 GBP
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This is a highly detailed miniature of a Vulture for Dungeons & Dragons.

This model was created by MZ4250 who makes amazingly accurate models of the Monster Manual creatures and provided by Commercial Licence.

In Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), a Vulture is a monstrous creature often encountered in desolate or death-ridden environments. These large birds of prey possess a sinister intelligence and a keen sense for detecting weakness in potential prey.

Physically, Vultures resemble their real-world counterparts but are often depicted as larger and more menacing. They have sharp beaks and talons, allowing them to tear into flesh with ease. Their plumage tends to be dark and mottled, blending in with the shadows of their preferred habitats.

Vultures in D&D are scavengers by nature, often congregating around battlefields, graveyards, and areas of natural disaster where death is abundant. They possess an uncanny ability to sense impending demise, leading them to hover over areas where creatures are near death, waiting to feast upon their remains.

While Vultures primarily rely on scavenging for sustenance, they are not opposed to hunting weaker prey if the opportunity arises. Their intelligence allows them to coordinate attacks on injured or weakened creatures, making them formidable adversaries in the wild.

In addition to their physical prowess, Vultures possess certain magical abilities, depending on the edition of D&D being played. These may include dark necromantic powers, such as the ability to animate corpses or summon spectral allies to aid them in battle. Such abilities further enhance their reputation as harbingers of death and decay.

Encountering a Vulture in D&D can present a challenge for adventurers, especially if they find themselves in the creature's natural habitat. With their combination of physical strength, cunning, and magical abilities, Vultures are formidable foes that should not be underestimated. Prepared adventurers may find ways to outsmart or evade these creatures, but those caught unawares may quickly become another meal for these sinister scavengers.

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