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Borishotch Industries

Dungeons & Dragons Warhorse Skeleton Miniature

Dungeons & Dragons Warhorse Skeleton Miniature

Regular price £7.00 GBP
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This is a highly detailed miniature of a Warhorse Skeleton from the Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual.

This model was created by MZ4250 who makes amazingly accurate models of the Monster Manual creatures and provided by Commercial License.

In Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), a Warhorse Skeleton is an undead creature created from the reanimated bones of a deceased warhorse. These creatures are commonly encountered as guardians, mounts, or minions of necromancers, undead lords, or other powerful undead entities. They are typically encountered in crypts, graveyards, or locations associated with death and darkness.

Warhorse Skeletons possess the physical characteristics of a skeletal horse, stripped of flesh and organs, with bones held together by dark magic. Despite their skeletal form, they retain the strength, speed, and resilience of their living counterparts. Their appearance is often menacing, with empty eye sockets glowing faintly with an eerie light, and they emit a sense of dread to those who encounter them.

In combat, Warhorse Skeletons charge fearlessly into battle, trampling enemies with their hooves and delivering powerful strikes with their bony jaws. They are relentless in their pursuit of targets, showing no signs of pain or fatigue. Additionally, being undead creatures, they are immune to many forms of traditional attacks, such as poison and exhaustion.

To destroy a Warhorse Skeleton, adventurers typically rely on weapons or spells that specifically target undead creatures, such as radiant damage or holy magic. Destroying the skeleton's bones or disrupting the necromantic energy that animates it can also render it inert.

In terms of lore, the creation of Warhorse Skeletons often involves dark rituals performed by necromancers or other practitioners of black magic. These rituals involve desecrating the remains of a fallen warhorse and infusing them with necromantic energy to bring them back to a twisted semblance of life.

Encounters with Warhorse Skeletons provide exciting challenges for players, requiring them to adapt their tactics and use their resources wisely to overcome these fearsome undead creatures and the dark forces that animate them.
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