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Borishotch Industries

Dungeons & Dragons Zombie Sea Serpent Miniature

Dungeons & Dragons Zombie Sea Serpent Miniature

Regular price £20.00 GBP
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This is a Highly detailed miniature of a Zombie Sea Serpent for Dungeons & Dragons. 

This model was created by Schlossbauer who makes amazingly accurate models of the Monster Manual creatures and provided by Commercial Licence. 

In Dungeons & Dragons, a Zombie Sea Serpent is a terrifying undead creature born of the deep, combining the formidable aspects of both zombies and sea serpents. These monstrous entities are often created through dark necromantic rituals or cursed sea magic, reanimating the colossal bodies of deceased sea serpents that once prowled the ocean depths.

Physically, a Zombie Sea Serpent retains the serpentine shape of its living counterpart but is marred by decay and the unmistakable marks of undeath. Its scales are usually discolored and corroded, exuding a foul odor of rotting flesh and seaweed. Despite its decayed appearance, the creature possesses a menacing presence, its eyes glowing with an eerie light fueled by dark magic.

In combat, a Zombie Sea Serpent combines the brute strength and resilience of a sea serpent with the relentless nature of a zombie. Its bite is lined with sharp, jagged teeth that can rend through ship hulls and armor alike. In the water, it moves with surprising agility for its size, capable of wrapping around vessels or dragging victims into the depths.

These undead monstrosities are often encountered in haunted or cursed waters, where necromantic energies linger or where powerful undead lords hold sway. They are drawn to the living, driven by a mindless hunger that compels them to attack ships, coastal settlements, or anything that ventures too close to their watery lairs.

Defeating a Zombie Sea Serpent requires formidable strength, magical prowess, and a strategy to overcome its undead resilience. Those who face these creatures must be prepared for a battle that tests both their courage and their resourcefulness against a creature born of the darkest depths of the sea and the abyss of death itself.

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